There is always a friendly smile and a cup of coffee ready to welcome visitors and locals to Pitlochry, set in its pretty church yard with babbling burn and great trees, Holy Trinity is the largest church in the Linked Charge. We celebrate Holy Communion on most Sundays with evening services on the last Sunday of the month and regular midweek services on Thursdays (Holy Communion on the first Thursdays and Saints Day) with coffee and conversations to follow.
Sundays at 9.30am
1st, 2nd 3rd & 4th Sundays Sung Eucharist, occasional Matins or Communion by Extension
5th Sundays – Joint at All Saints, Kinloch Rannoch, Holy Trinity, Pitlochry or Kilmaveonaig, Blair Atholl. Details of 5th Sunday services are shown on the calendar.
Other services
Sunday Evening Service – occasional Evening Services at 6.00 pm. Check the Calendar for details.
Thursdays – Morning Prayer with Communion on 1st Thursday of the Month and Feast Days at 10.00am, followed by Open Church with Coffee and Conversation.